
1. Page Navigation

At the top of the report pages you’ll find the Navigation buttons. You can use these to navigate between the different reports and population categories.

Using drop-down boxes:

Drop down boxes are filters, used to control the information you wish to see on the screen.

  • Click the down arrow on the relevant drop-down box.
  • Select the options you want to see.
    Note: some dropdowns will only allow you to select multiple options while some will only allow you to select one.

2. Clear filters button

The “Clear Filters” button removes all options you have selected using the drop-down boxes. Click the ‘Clear Filters’ button once, to return to seeing all projects.


3. Map

The map of Tasmania shows each of the LGAs. When the LGAs are coloured, this shows that it is selectable. If the LGAs are coloured black this shows, they are not available for selection. See examples below.

The map is interactive and can be used to filter information to a selected LGA.

  • Local Government Areas (LGA)
    • Hover your mouse over a LGA to see:
      • LGA Name, and
      • Region the LGA belongs to.
    • Selecting a LGA will filter the report to show you the population information for the LGA.
    • To see multiple LGAs you can hold CTRL and right click on other LGAs.
  • Zoom in and out
    • Move your mouse over the map where you want to zoom in / zoom out.
    • Scroll Up (away from you) to zoom in.
    • Scroll Down (towards you) to zoom out.

4. Date Sliders

The date sliders are an option for you to view information between two calendar years. There are two ways to change the date range.

Note: the date range will vary from page to page as the date range varies from between the reports.

Option 1 – Using the slider

  • Move the left circle to the start year you want to see.
  • Move the right circle to the end year you want to see.

Option 2 – Using the text fields

Using the text fields:

  • in the first text box, enter the Start Year.
  • in the second text box, enter the End Year.

The report will display the data between the to dates you’ve entered.

5. Graphs

The graphs are interactive, and you can click or hover over any of them for specific information. When you click on a feature in the graph other graphs may automatically update. Click on the same feature again to clear your selection or click the Clear filters button to clear your selections.
