Dashboard - Population Projections

What is Tasmania's Population Data Dashboard?

Tasmania’s population data dashboard is a free interactive data platform that presents demographic information in a visual and accessible way.

Phase 1 of the dashboard features population projections for Tasmania. Further functions will be added over time, to reflect changing demographic information.

By expanding the available population data and analysis, our goal is to inform future Tasmanian policy, infrastructure, and services planning, to improve liveability and wellbeing outcomes.

If you have a relevant data project that could be considered for inclusion in the dashboard, please contact hello@population.tas.gov.au.

Learn more about the dashboard and why it was developed by visiting the Population Policy page, or the Department of State Growth website. To learn more about how Tasmania’s population projections are developed, visit the Department of Treasury and Finance website. For further detail on the methodology and assumptions regarding the population projections, read Treasury’s Consultation Paper.

How to use the dashboard:

View instructions for using the dashboard here (opens new window).

If you have any feedback, questions, or need help with navigating the dashboard, please email us at hello@population.tas.gov.au.

The Dashboard was developed in a collaboration between the Department of State Growth, the Department of Treasury and Finance, and demographer Dr Tom Wilson.